Für euch bringt er dieses Jahr aber das Rezept für einen selbstgebackenen Walnussstollen. Das Rezept ist nicht mein eigenes, wieder einmal gemopst von der Mutter von Jans ehemaliger Kollegin aus München.
Walnussstollen (Foto am Ende der Seite)
250g Butter
200g Zucker
250g Quark (40%)
200g gehackte Walnüsse
500g Mehl
1 Pck. Weinsteinbackpulver
1 Pck. Vanillezucker
2 EL Rum
1. Alle Zutaten bis auf da Mehl und die Walnüsse mit einem Knethaken gut durchkneten, dann nach und nach das Mehl hinzufügen. Zum Schluss werden die Walnüsse kurz untergeknetet.
2. Den Teig mit den Händen in die typische Stollenform bringen: dazu zu einem ungefähr 30x30cm großen Quadrat formen und gut zwei Drittel überschlagen. Den Stollen auf einem mit Backpapier ausgelegtem Backblech im auf 180° vorgeheizten Backofen auf der zweiten Schiene von unten ca. 60min mit Ober-/Unterhitze backen.
Der Arbeitsaufwand ist minimal, das Ergebnis unglaublich lecker. Angeblich soll der Stollen besser werden, wenn er länger liegt. Dafür hätte er allerdings vor uns in Sicherheit gebracht werden müssen.
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Property of Mjólksamsalan (MS) Icelandic Dairies |
The second Yule Lad to arrive is Giljagaur. His English name is "Gully Gawk" as he hides in gullies just waiting for the opportunity to creep into the cow sheds and steal milk.
But this year he brings you the recipe for a home made German style walnut stollen. It's not my recipe. I pinched it from the mother of Jan's former colleague in Munich.
Walnut stollen
250g butter
200g sugar
250g quark (see below)
200g chopped walnuts
500g flour
1 pck baking powder (=16g)
1 pck vanilla sugar (if available, otherwise 1 tsp vanilla extract)
2 tbsp rum
1. Mix a dough of all ingredients except the flour and the walnuts. Then add the flour bit by bit and knead the walnuts into the dough at the very end.
2. Form the dough into a square of approx. 1x1ft (30x30cm) and overlap two thirds. This is the typical stollen shape. Place the stollen on a baking paper covered baking tray and bake it in the preheated oven at 180° C for about 60mins.
The amount of work is very little, the result "fantastelicious" (just created this word myself). Obviously the stollen becomes even better the longer it rests - I can't say anything about that now as it didn't last longer than a week in our kitchen...
Stollen is a typical German thing in the festive season just like the Christmas Pudding in the UK and Ireland. The quark that is used for this recipe is also a very typical German thing. It is kind of a soft cheese usually available as full fat, half fat and low fat. Here in Ireland you will find it in Tesco stores as a fat free version but you might probably find it in Polish supermarkets as well. And don't worry about the low amount of fat, use it as an excuse to eat another slice!
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